Learner Wellness &

Support Programme

Learners who are new to the workplace find it challenging to adapt to the environment. Not only are they expected to carry themselves in a professional manner, but they are also expected to carry a certain etiquette when engaging with others. This is often a very daunting experience for many of the youth who enter the workforce. Workplace Skills Development Partner is passionate about providing impactful skills development solutions to their clients, it is for this very reason we developed our Learner Wellness Programme.

We are proud to have launched this in a period where people around the world are experiencing uncertainty, doubt and financial instability. “Well-being” is described as the experience of good health, happiness and prosperity, but it is much deeper than that, it is ensuring one has good mental health, sense of meaning or purpose, having control of their day to day lives and the ability to function within various settings.

We want to develop these learners into holistic beings and equip them with all the tools they need to be able to face adversity, both within their careers and personal life. Our aim is to create the balance and support structures that is needed to develop these learners into corporate athletes.

What we offer…

We provide a bouquet of services aimed at laying a solid foundation and support system for learners at all levels who enter the workplace through learnerships, apprenticeships, graduate/internship programmes. Companies can select a few or all of the Learner Wellness programmes, each wellness programme will be uniquely customised to meet the company’s needs.


Due to programmes being highly customised, it is important to note that the rates are dependent on the number of learners, the wellness programmes selected, and the timeframe required for implementation.


We work with a group of practitioners who are specialists in their field of expertise and all share a passion for youth development. Their profiles will be provided once a selection of the wellness services have been identified.


Please note the learner wellness services can be extended to employees within an organisation, it is not restricted to learners only.


Assessments are important for one to assess the skills, knowledge, ability and personality traits that an individual may possess. The selection of the assessment must be linked to the outcome one wants to evaluate. 90% of the time, assessments form the basis for employing an individual or placing a learner on a specific programme, some of our assessments can detect success factors in learning/workplace programmes. We offer a variety of assessments that fall within the following categories:

  • Psychometric Assessments (tests skill, knowledge, personality – over 230 assessments available)
  • Learning potential, Psychomotor, Integrity, Work from home assessments
  • Neurzone Assessments with road map to success
  • Leadership & Talent Development
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Organisational Wellbeing & High Performance Readiness
  • Verification checks (criminal, academic, fraud, social media etc)

We have a number of assessment partners who assist in conducting, assessing and setting up a road map for individuals to ensure they utilise the results effectively. The Assessments form an integral part of all our service offering.

Career Pathway Development

Understand your journey

Career Pathway Development is a significant aspect of all individuals who want to pursue a successful working career. We assist learners in understanding what their strengths and weaknesses are and their goals and visions they want to achieve. We then provide them with an understanding of how to reach their desired career goals. This is done through a Career progression workshop which is then followed by setting up a plan and providing coaching/support sessions for the individual which will ultimately lead to mastery of their current job, promotions or transfers to new positions.

Work Readiness

Employability is key

Workplace readiness skills are important for learners at all levels, whether they are new to the world of work or have entered into the workplace without prior work readiness. They often find the work environment overwhelming. Not only do they have to juggle their work but all the social engagements within the work environment. They need to understand how to engage with their peers, supervisors, senior and lower-level occupations. The main aim of work readiness is to ensure continued employability, this is achieved through the below aspects which are covered in our 5 day Work Readiness Programme:

  • The X factor – what makes you unique
  • Goal Setting & Vision Board
  • Job Search
  • Marketing yourself
  • The Work Environment
  • Relationship building & Corporate etiquette
  • Diversity, Sexuality, Values & Personal Grooming

Image Consulting

Be impressionable, dress for success!

First impressions last is not just a cliché, this rings true in every facet of life, especially in the workplace. Learners entering into the world of work for the first time often do not have the budget to purchase expensive work attire, many who are first time entrants feel petrified on their first days as they have no clue of what the correct work attire should be, it is also not easy to navigate this when you are a learner who has been exposed to a few different organisations where the work attire differed. Many young learners are also working with very limited budgets and need guidance in utilising their budgets effectively. We offer image consultant workshops which cover the following:

  • Body Shape
  • Grooming
  • Personal Brand
  • Confidence
  • Working with a tight budget
  • Understanding colour and skin tones
  • Online and offline presence
  • Body language
  • Effective communication

Financial Literacy

Take control of your finances

Financial literacy is taught in various qualifications as a module that forms part of the more technical understanding of business finance. Our Financial Literacy course is aimed at educating individuals on real life financial matters, we want to provide them with the basic tools of understanding their finances, budgeting and building up a healthy credit record. Our programme includes the following:

  • Reading your Payslip and understanding Income Tax
  • Understanding your benefit statement
  • Banking & Credit
  • Purchasing your first vehicle
  • Budgeting effectively
  • Saving – building good habits
  • Retirement/Provident/Life Policies


Mastering being present

Mindfulness is best described as paying attention in the present moment. These sessions will force candidates to take a moment to be present and enjoy where they are in their lives, not only financially but emotionally, physically and mentally. One positive outcome of COVID19 has been increased connections with our surroundings, our emotions and general wellbeing. We offer a wide variety of mindfulness activities both indoors, outdoors and online. These include but are not limited to yoga, breathwork and mindfulness hikes.

Personal Development

Unlocking potential to maximise Performance

Personal Development is a way of life, individuals are taught how to assess their skills, qualities, positive and negative characteristics or habits they may have. This is a life-long process that one has to engage with and constantly review as you grow and develop in your personal, social and work life. We assist individuals to understand all of these traits and provide them with various mechanisms to help them achieve their purpose. We provide the following services under Personal Development:

  • Life Coaching
  • Counselling
  • General Life Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence(EQ) workshops
  • Leadership & Personal Mastery workshops
  • Understanding Generational & Cultural Gaps workshop


We will manage all logistics, catering, scheduling and transport needs if required by the company. All necessary communication channels will be established with the learners, supervisors and all relevant stakeholders. Monthly reports will be submitted, detailing the progress of the project. Close out reports will be submitted at the end of each programme.

Payment Terms and Compliance

Payment is made directly to Workplace Skills Development Partner, who is a level 1 B-BBEE, black women owned entity. Payment is made in advance before any programmes are implemented, this is to ensure all facilitators, venues, transport, catering and workshop material is available for the month. We are VAT registered, have a clear Tax record, COID registered and POPIA Compliant.

Contact us for more information!

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